they actually IDed her, folks.
Thursday, July 20, 2006

today was my grandma's 93rd b-day.
heck yeah - gigi's 93!

i ask you, where else would a 93 yr old great grandma rather go for her birthday than chuck e. cheese??? i didn't really think they would give her 93 tokens, i only thought it would be easier than going to a fancy place bc she likes to watch the girls play. but they did.

yes you heard me...93 FREE TOKENS. good googly moogly- that's the least we've EVAH spent in chuck e. cheese. the girls don't normally use up all their tokens anyway, but this was ridiculous. more birthday plus other pics on flickr...clickerooni

on a separate note~

lily and hannah like to sing. they prefer to make up their own songs that happen "on a sunny day" or "on a saturday night," which is what they keep saying here- it's kinda hard to decipher. today they were going strong when i decided to tape them on our way to chuck e. cheese. most of it is hard to understand & alot is "la la la" but the emotion is unmistakably sincere, wouldn't ya say? they have these singing competitions or duets, whichever you call them, quite a bit. mostly lily starts then hannah joins in.

i think they're broadway bound.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

reverse phone lookup

8:04 PM


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Location: Planet Twinstar, Monkeyville, United States

I'm a real live human person...the slightly wacky mom of 6 year old identical twin primate princesses and one 2year old monkeyboy. I'm divorced from a crazy baboon and remarried to a big snuggly gorilla. I thank God daily for my wonderful family and friends, without whom I would go berserk. My chirren are the cutest kids ever born (besides yours) and if you don't believe that you obviously need to see a shrink.

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